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760 Burland Drive
Bailey CO
Booth: 1020

Company Description:

We offer great green cleaning solutions for your whole home, we cover your cleaning needs from the time you enter the front door . We have a great solution for your personal care items for the whole family. Let's not forget our pets and our vehicles.

Clean with confidence when using our Densely woven, superfine Norwex Microfiber cloths, that physically removes up to 99% of bacteria from a surface using only water when following proper care and use instructions.

Our products make cleaning safer using no harmful chemicals. Our cloths densely woven fibers are designed to last. We stand behind our products, our Warranty shows this.

Show Specials:

Drop by our booth to see our show specials for our customers on kitchen towel, superior mop system and skin care items.

Product Images:


Show Deals Five Year Exhibitor

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